检查 & 评估



An effective agreement is a legal arrangement between a potential purchaser and the property’s seller. 一些重要的建议要记住,以简化流程:

  • 把每件事都写下来. This includes verbal agreements, counter-offers, and addendums. We can assist drafting all written records and provide copies for each party.
  • 跟上时间表. You and the seller will be given a timeline to seal every stage of the real estate closing contract.

Once both parties have agreed upon a contract and signed all documents, 产权公司或律师都可以作为托管人, 或关闭代理, 你还得付定金. 第三方托管是一个中立的第三方, 收到, and distribute all funds associated with your transaction until the closing date of the property. They will research the complete history of the property to ensure that the title is clear of encumbrances by the date of closing and that new encumbrances are added correctly to the title. Before escrow can be closed and you can officially purchase the property, all contingencies agreed upon in the Purchase Agreement must be met.


There are several types of ways to hold title, or ownership, of a property. Each title method has different implications on ownership transfer, collateralization, 融资, 和税务. We recommend speaking with an attorney or tax advisor about the pros and cons of each method, 这样你就可以决定你的房产的最佳选择. We would be happy to connect you with trusted attorneys and tax advisors in the area.



As part of the contingencies outlined in the Purchase Agreement, you will schedule a licensed property inspector to come to the home within the time frame agreed upon by both parties. Inspectors will determine the condition of the property and alert you of any problems. You may wish to have multiple inspectors look at the property who specialize in certain areas (ie. 屋顶或水管督察). 如果您购买的是商业物业, you might be required to complete an environmental audit or soil test on site for the lending institute. If the inspections reveal issues to the property not specified in the purchase agreement, you may request a renegotiation of the terms of contract (usually the price). Once you are satisfied with the inspections and terms of the purchase agreement, 突发事件将被移除.


Keep in contact with your lender so you are notified when new documents are required to approve your loan. 如果购买协议以融资为条件, the lending institute will require a home appraisal by a third party licensed appraiser. The appraiser will confirm the investment in your property is accurate. Appraisers are experts in determining the value of property based on a variety of factors including building costs, 面积, 营业收入, 和更多的. Double check with your lender two weeks prior to closing to confirm the loan will be approved on time.


Some properties might require an association’s certificate of approval prior to purchase. If so, make sure to request all rules, regulations, and necessary documents from the seller. 在购买协议中, you and the seller will agree on a time frame for you to submit paperwork or set up any appointments required for the association’s approval. 一旦接受了, your closing agent will request the original copy of the approval letter, so it can be recorded with the deed in the county record books during the property closing.


Basic property insurance plans will protect you from damages to your property including fire, 盗窃, 以及某些天气事件,比如风或冰雹. While most states do not require a property owner to have coverage, most mortgage lenders will. 取决于你对房产的意向, you will be required to either purchase homeowners insurance if you plan to live in the home, or landlord insurance if you wish to rent out the property as an investment initiative.


就因为你拿到了最高限额, 这并不意味着你应该把钱都花在房子的售价上. 你会想把其中的一部分留作结案费用, 税收和潜在的房屋维修或改建.

Make sure the neighborhood works for you and your family - are you close to schools and is shopping conveniently located?

检查 are worth their weight in gold and will draw attention to problems you may not otherwise see, giving you peace of mind and letting you make more informed decisions about your purchase.

Getting pre-approved by a lender lets the seller know you are serious and ready to purchase a home and that you are not just window shopping.


Know what you can live with and what you cannot live without and also those things that can be taken care of with a simple remodel. 如果你需要一个四卧室的家, don't buy one with 2 that requires a massive addition which can break your budget.


Appliances are some of the most expensive portions of the home and you should pay particular attention to their age and whether they have required service. Other systems to have inspected are your HVAC, hot water heater, and your septic & 如果适用的话. You may be able to get the seller to add a home warranty when buying.


Most neighborhoods have HOAs that govern what you can and can't do - be sure you know what the rules are for your neighborhood.


